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Our artisans have been handcrafting pipes for more than 70 years.

Brebbia's workshop is the most ancient in Italy where briar pipes are still manufactured according to the tradition and this is one of the reasons behind our success.


Our artisans have been handcrafting pipes for more than 70 years.

Brebbia's workshop is the most ancient in Italy where briar pipes are still manufactured according to the tradition.

Our products quality is universally known primarily thanks to the unique unique characteristics of our briar and to the innovative but functional design.

The uniqueness of our briar and our pipes

Brebbia is sweetness

Brebbia has earned this title thanks to its strategic location. Indeed the company is built on a sandstone basin at the bottom of a valley crossed by Bardello river, which connects lake of Varese with lake Maggiore.

Basic terrain and extreme humidity during the whole year are perfect for seasoning briar naturally. Only here briar can completely expel tannin inside its roots. Tannic acid is inside all types of roots, but in particular inside briar's roots and it is considered the main responsible for bad taste especially during first smokes of a brand new pipe.

Brebbia is style

The company created a personal signature on its products, made of personality, proportions and details that link classic to modern.

Every pipe smoker has recognized to Brebbia's designs, especially classic ones, a perfection that goes beyond time and trends.

Brebbia is tradition

The company has a deep respect for handcraft techniques.

We manufacture our pipes using the same machines from the early days, following the same process of 50 steps by hand, coloring with non-toxic natural colors and essences that we have experimented across the years.

Brebbia is history

The company, as visible inside its museum, is a fundamental piece of Varese province's history and a living testimony of the pipe district that during the Nineteenth century was employing up to 3,000 people.