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The Brebbia Pipe is closed for holidays from December 23rd to January 6th.
Online orders will be processed after that date.
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Reseller service

To help ensure that your shopping experience is safe, simple and secure, Brebbia uses Paypal technology. Paypal represents one of the first escrow services, companies specialised in e-commerce payments. Payment security is guaranteed, and the transaction is through a safe server.

During payment you will be temporarily transferred to PayPal to fill in a special form with all the details necessary to a secure transaction.
On PayPal website you can pay:
a) using a Visa or Mastercard credit card (without logging in)
b) using PayPal (you need a PayPal account)
Clicking on the apposite box, the Client authorises Brebbia to debit the order total amount on the credit card or Paypal account indicated.
At the end of the transaction, you will be transferred back to the website to visualize your order.
Alternatively it is possible to pay by Bank Transfer including Order Number as a reference.

Payments by Bank Transfer need to be sent to:

Pipe Brebbia Srl

Bank: Intesa Sanpaolo

IBAN: IT23 L030 6950 0221 0000 0004 794


Bank Transfer requires extra time for order processing, as the goods will be shipped only after receiving the payment (up to 5 working days).

Payment conditions for Italian resellers

Payment methods depend on order quantity, type of goods and client’s reputation and solvability.

1) Orders below € 600,00 (final price excluding shipping cost)
Bank Transfer (prepaid)
2) Orders above € 600,00 (final price without shipping cost)
Bank Transfer (prepaid)
Cash/Cheque (up to 30 days)

1) Orders below € 350,00
Bank Transfer (prepaid)
2) Orders between € 350,00 and € 600,00
Bank Transfer (prepaid)
Cash/Cheque (up to 30 days)
Private agreements (i.e RiBa) restricted to historic clients
3) Orders above € 600,00
Bank Transfer
Cash/Cheque (up to 30 days)
Private agreements (i.e RiBa) restricted to historic clients
1) Orders below € 600,00
Bank Transfer (prepaid)
2) Orders above € 600,00
Bank Transfer
Cash/Cheque (up to 30 days)
Private agreements (i.e RiBa) restricted to historic clients

Following our Bank details for Bank Transfers:

Intesa Sanpaolo

IBAN: IT23 L030 6950 0221 0000 0004 794


Payment conditions for International resellers

Payment methods depend on order quantity, type of goods and client’s reputation and solvability.
Generally our foreign resellers opt for Bank Transfers.

Following our Bank details:

Intesa Sanpaolo

IBAN: IT23 L030 6950 0221 0000 0004 794